The male will flare his fin and its color will change become stronger and sharp The female also change the color become more stronger with stripe around its body. The mature female which is ready for a reproduction will have rather big belly containing the eggs and also there is white spot under her belly.
Once the female ready, the male will bend his body and wrap the female and the female will looks like drifting and small white eggs will come out from her belly. The male will collect the eggs by his mouth and put them in the bubble he created before. When this process is finished, the male will keep the eggs and moves around the bubble.The male will hinder the female form the bubble. At this point, the female should be taken out or the male will mess up the eggs because he chase the female around the bubble or even kill the female.
The eggs will hatch in one to two days and will look like small white object with small black dot. The babies will grow and look like needle after three or four days. The babies will move around the bubble and some of them fall down to the bottom and the male will put them back to the buble. The funny thing is to watch the babies twist as they can not swim well yet.
To keep the babies fine and health, the temperature should be controlled at 27-29 degreeC or around 80 -82 F. For the food, start it by feed them with infusoria and change the food gradually by feeding them with Daphnia when their size is bigger enough to it (after two to three week).
Breeding Betta Splendens Guidance and books

Breeding Betta Splendens Guidance and books
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